Katchatheevu, a small coral reef between the neighbors, has been a controversial subject for decades

Katchatheevu location

An island between India and Sri Lanka has been a hot topic in the region. The island is a dispute between India and Sri Lanka. Interestingly, India gifted it to Sri Lanka without the permission of the Indian parliament. The issue is still under the preview of the Indian Supreme court with no resolution in sight. The island is the reason for the death of many fishers.

Friend or Foe?

British war with Sri Lankan kings. Source-Wikipedia

India and Sri Lanka had been neighbors for centuries and had a bond of friendship and foe. Sri Lanka is referred to in Indian literature from the age of Ramayanam. Kings from south India have invaded Sri Lanka and vice versa. Political events in South India had repressions in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka was ruled as a separate colony after annexation by Britain. Sri Lanka got its independence in 1948. Sri Lanka and India got into a fresh start with solving the border issues between the countries through diplomacy.

The Gift:


There is a small land portion between India and Sri Lanka. Its believed to be built by Lord Rama when he invaded Sri Lanka. The coral reefs form small islands, and one of them is Katchatheevu. The Gulf of Mannar, where Katchatheevu is situated, has an abundant source of sea life. The country which holds sovereignty over the island has exclusive fishing rights over the region around the island. In 1972 India and Sri Lanka negotiated on the ownership of the islands. To everyone’s surprise, India gave up the ownership claim to the island. Territoriality the island was part of the state of Tamilnadu. Tamilnadu government protested against the decision and dragged the Indian government to the Indian Supreme Court’s door.

What’s Now:

The Annual festival at the church.Source-Hindu

Changes were made to the Indian constitution when Sikkim merged into India. But in the case of the Katchatheevu Indian parliament didn’t ratify the decision. Indian government claims that the island’s ownership status was unclear. Hence, there was no need to change the Indian constitution for ownership transfer. The Tamilnadu government filed a case against the Indian government in India’s supreme court, which is still under investigation. Katchatheevu has a church which can be visited only once in a year by pilgrims from India. There is a considerable security restriction by the Sri Lankan navy for the Indian pilgrims. Indian fishers are allowed to dry their nets on the island as per the agreement. However, due to the competition among Indian and Sri Lankan fishers, this is still in paper.
It is still a million-dollar question of why India, fighting with its other neighbors for its border, gifted such a significant island strategically crucial to Sri Lanka.

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